The keyword tab on reports allow you to filter a report by keywords found on the homepage of the websites in your report. This allows you to breakdown a report by....
Understanding Traffic Rankings Traffic rankings provide a way to measure website popularity based on estimated internet traffic. The ranking system is inverse -....
The Advanced Filtering capability lets you create unlimited variations of your starting report. This demo showcases that functionality.....
This video shows how to filter a report by SEO, Best Practice, Accessibility, Performance and general website issues. ....
This video shows how to create a technology report and filter it by a specific state.....
We add generic IAB top level verticals to results in reports providing we can categorize a site down to one category - they can be accessed via the Verticals filter....
When creating Technology Based Reports, you can see leads that used a technology back to 2011 in cases where we’ve track a technology that far back. This lets you....
This video shows how to filter a report down to city location.....
To segment a list by B2B style businesses we have a few recommendations -Filter by Relevant KeywordsCreate the technology report of interest then use the....
You can filter reports on BuiltWith Pro by the location of the business in the report. The Location tab will list the countries where we support physical location.....
This demo show's how to use BuiltWith Pro to find websites that are in a staging, development or a testing cycle.....
You can filter Technology reports by the following regions providing there is enough results in each region. You can access these from the technology page sidebar....
This demo shows you how to create a report and then filter it by estimated monthly eCommerce revenue.....
Some time the names of filters of your reports can get too long or meaningless - here's a quick way to rename a filter....
You can generate reports based on the TLD (top-level domain) that is , the extension such as .com or .uk as shown in the demo.....
BuiltWith Exclusion List Management lets you keep track of your Lead effort by allowing you to visually see what results in BuiltWith are in your existing account....
This demo shows how to filter a report by estimated amount of employees.....